E- Viva aims at the creation of a blended learning approach to facilitate and validate competence developments related to service orientation in rather informal learning contexts in higher education institutes and workplace learning contexts. It will contribute to evidencing those competences that are of fundamental importance in the service economy and that are acquired to a large extent in non-formalised learning contexts
With its approach to combine Higher education and professional practice, e-VIVA will contribute to an improved transparency of the acquired competences in a transnational comparative approach. Nevertheless it will provide learning and validation opportunities in highly contextualized and individualised learning settings. With this it will also open up new learning pathways and eventually also lead to a better matching of learning contents and individual learning styles (preferences).
Operative objectives:
- Research on existing (ICT-supported) approaches to create and validate service oriented skills and competences
- Developing and refining overarching ICT-based assessment and validation systems
- Enriching existing validation and certification systems
- Applying a rich competence development and validation software for service related skills and competences
- Piloting and Evaluation
Addressing large numbers of learners and stakeholders